Saturday 17 August 2013

Here comes the sun

I was asked to film a drama at our school which was about sustainability. The focus was on solar
panels and how we can use the sun's rays to generate energy. The drama was organised by an energy company which was visiting our school.

I heard some of the drama students reading the script and something they said got my attention. There was a line in the script that stated that God made the sun. I was totally surprised as I didn't expect to hear this in a secular school.

I later found out that the script they were practicing with was from the previous school which was a religious school. 

As I filmed the performance the "God made the sun" line was omitted, and this I feel is a reflection of the culture we live in. We don't honor God by acknowledging Him as the creator and sustainer of all things. We can easily appreciate the beauty and taste of a well ripened kiwi fruit but for some it's not so easy to see the God who made the kiwi fruit.

Our energy company visitors have been the catalyst for many conversations about solar power and solar energy within our school. Many would agree that the sun is absolutely amazing and vital for life on earth. Many would appreciate the sun and what it does. But many stop there, failing to see the God who made the sun.

"For since the creation of the world God's invisible qualities--his eternal power and divine nature--have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that people are without excuse."
Romans 1:20

There was a part in the drama where the MC's said "without the sun... we would die!" and all the students on stage would fall down and act dead. The truth is without the sun life on earth would cease to exist.

Aren't you grateful for the sun and what it does? Isn't it time you thanked God for the joys of creation?

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