Saturday 24 August 2013

Evangelism Obstacles

Evangelism makes me hide behind trees
I had a good time out witnessing today. I gave out some tracts and had a great conversation with two open minded guys who acknowledged they were sinners but weren't exactly sure how they could be forgiven or if it was even possible. One of them even said to me that he was thinking of going back to church and asked me for my church details. This was encouraging. I pray God does a mighty work in hearts of these bros.

Evangelism is hard going and many (including me) have intense battles with it. Here are some obstacles that can hinder a person engaging in evangelism.
  • They don't want to be seen as some kind of religious fanatic (especially with people they know)
  • They don't know what to say or how to get into a conversation
  • They don't agree with the 'street' approach
  • They are apathetic and lazy
  • They fear tough questions
  • They have a misunderstanding of what evangelism is.
I will look to address these obstacles in future posts and how we as Christians can overcome them. We must overcome them if we truly care about people and where they will spend eternity.

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