Friday 21 June 2013

Brad Thorn reveals all!

I was stoked to hear that Brad Thorn was speaking about life and faith at my former Christian University group (StudentLife Tandem Ministries) back in Dunedin.

I was super stoked that a friend uploaded the video onto YouTube for the world to see. I was wondering how it went so it was great to be able to watch it from sunny Whakatane where I now live.

Brad's story reminds me that it's not just those in poverty and sickness and hardships that need God. Jesus isn't just for those who are down and out, he is also for those who are doing really well in life, who are rich, popular and successful. Jesus came to seek and save the lost, those lost in poverty and those lost in prosperity.

All of us, no matter how rich, poor, popular, unpopular, need righteousness or a right standing with God. We're all sinners. We're liars, theives, greedy, adulterers, fornicators, blaphemers, haters of God, lovers of other things. We naturally don't agree with God or want to follow Him. We are intrinsically rebellious.

None of us have followed God's holy laws perfectly and that's what He requires. So each of us stand as convicted criminals against the Creator of the Universe in desperate need of forgiveness.

God has appointed a day in which he will judge the world in righteousness, and without the righteousness of Christ we will perish on that day. Why? Because we have no righteousness in and of ourselves. That's why we need the one who never sinned. Our LORD Jesus Christ.

So the next time you think that you don't need Jesus, think again.

Please visit to see if you do truly need God.

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