I've listened to a number of conversations about what she did and frankly I'm uninterested in the whole thing. So why am I posting about it? Well what she's done has brought to light two very important thoughts that I'd like to share with you.
Before I share with you the first thought please take some time now to watch this video about Miley Cyrus talking about her faith. This may be more shocking than her VMA performance!
When watching this I seriously couldn't believe my ears! Miley openly professes her faith in God and Jesus Christ. She said that she "does everything for Jesus." Really? Wow does that mean that she's is a Christian? That's what the creator of this video thinks but I'm not convinced. Something's wrong with this picture. I mean, can you simply just say your a Christian and then live whatever sinful way you want and still be with God in heaven when you die? I'm not so sure. What's going here? Does scripture have anything to say about this obvious disconnect?
Yes it does. Scripture sheds light on what's going on here in a few areas. In Matthew 7 Jesus talks metaphorically about a group of people who disguises themselves as harmless sheep but are really vicious wolves. He goes on to say this "You can identify them by their fruit, that is, by the way they act." He continues to tease out this analogy until he repeats His main point.
"Yes, just as you can identify a tree by it's fruit, so you can identify people by their actions."
What would you think of a man who tells his wife that he loves her but then spends most of his time committing adultery on pornographic websites? His love is nothing but lip service, and Jesus addresses hypocrites like this in Matthew 15:8. He points people to a prophecy in the old testament by Isaiah about false worshipers of God. Isaiah stated clearly that there will be certain people who honour God with their lips, but in truth their hearts are far from Him. I believe this is what's going on here with Miley's profession of faith.
So am I saying the Miley's not a Christian? Is there a definite way to know if someone is a true and genuine follower of Christ? Well in all honestly we can't tell whether people are or not. Only God can judge our hearts and see us for who we truly are. But what we can do though is learn from Jesus and realise that we show people who we truly are not by our words, but by our actions.
Jesus went on to say that on judgement day many will say to Him "Lord! Lord! We lived for you, danced, acted and sang for you, we did everything for you." But He will reply "I never knew you. Get away from me, you who break God's laws."
May God lead you to pray for Miley and her family.
If by reading this you suddenly realise that you've been giving God lip service but your heart is far away from God please visit www.needgod.com to see yourself in truth and hear how you can be forgiven and brought back into a right relationship with God. I would also love to hear from you personally so write to me in the comment section below.
So how do you react to Miley's VMA performance? This question will be the issue for my next thought which I will post at a later time.
If you're interested in hearing this topic being discussed more please visit http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o5G4Qk1ZkdA.
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